New Parents, Old Parents and Estate Planning in Los Angeles

When you are a new parent, you don't think of your parents' estate plan. You are too busy taking care…

5 years ago

Woodland Hills Ca Probate Lawyer: Woodland Hills Experienced Lawyer in Probates and Estates

Do you need a probate lawyer? Sirkin Law Group offers skilled Woodland Hills probate attorneys who can help you with…

6 years ago

Conservatorship Litigation | What to do in Los Angeles?

When you are involved in Conservatorship Litigation, you may forget that a Los Angeles Conservatorship is unlike any other Conservatorship…

6 years ago

Who can be a trustee in California?

Who can be a trustee is one of the most common questions a Los Angeles trust lawyer hears. The answer…

6 years ago

What is the Public Administrator?

The Public Administrator is an arm of the County in Los Angeles which handles estate administration of individuals whose families…

6 years ago

List of Important Items for Conservators as described by Mina Sirkin Attorney

There are critical legal items that a conservator must discuss with an attorney when acting as a conservator or when…

6 years ago