Attorney for Aging Parents to Legally Protect from Elder Abuse

Many people who are over the age of fifty have at one time or another contemplated hiring an attorney to legally protect one’s aging parents. Elderly parents at some point during their lives need help and perhaps protection from others or from elder abuse.

Who should you protect your parents from?

You should consider the categories of people from whom your parents should be protected. Examples would be of persons who may be pretending to be friends of your parents while actively seeking their money. Others may be those who may be romantic interests of your parents. who may pose a financial risk to the estate of your parents. Romantic interests tend to appear late in life and in particular tend to affect both men and women over the age of 65.

What can you do to protect your parents?

Stay involved. Call, write, Facetime, Zoom and be engaged with your parents and their day-to-day lives. Parents who become lonely are especially become targets of financial elder abuse. By constantly staying in contact with your parents, you can detect signs of possible financial elder abuse. We have heard many parents tell us that they took Johnny out of the trust because he never comes around and never calls.

What should you do if you discover that your parent has been subject of elder abuse?

The first thing you do is to contact the police and make a report. Next, you contact the elder abuse hotline. Contact the banks, and financial institution and put them on alert. Be sure to get names and telephone numbers of people you talk to when you alert them. Then contact an elder law attorney for additional things to do to implement protective documents or court procedures. If the perpetrator of fraud or abuse continues to come around, you may consider an elder abuse restraining order which is very easily available. Remember that restraining orders require urgency and the harm must be show to be imminent. Lawyers who practice elder abuse protection know the ins and outs of elder abuse restraining orders.

Where do you go to in Los Angeles to file an elder abuse restraining order?

Los Angeles Superior Court

111 N. Hill Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

There are no court filing fees for elder abuse restraining orders.

When to file an elder abuse restraining order: As soon as you know the abuse has occurred if there is a thread of abuse. Talk to our lawyers who practice elder abuse, and who can legally protect elders from abuse.

Who to call to report elder abuse in Los Angeles County?

Here is a list of people to contact in the event you suspect elder abuse.

  1. The Police: 911.
  2. Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-877-4R SENIORS (1-877-477-3646)
  3. Your parent’s homeowner’s insurance.
  4. An Elder Law attorney to discuss a conservatorship.
  5. Financial Institutions where your parents have accounts.
  6. A private professional fiduciary.

There are remedies for elder abuse including attorneys fees. Don’t be afraid to call a lawyer about elder abuse protection.

We can help your aging parents. Call our attorney: Mina Sirkin, Elder abuse attorney in Los Angeles at 818.340.4479 to learn how an attorney can help protect your parents from elder abuse.

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