Who did you name as the Guardian for your child?

The question of who to name as the guardian of a minor child is a common point of discussion among young mothers. For some, the thought of their minor child living with someone else can be very thought-provoking. For others, it is terrifying.

Starting the process of planning for unexpected events in your life which can impact your minor children can be a confusing task. Below is a list of things to help you organize your thoughts, actions and select a guardian.

Guardianship selection list:

  1. Who will the child live with?
  2. How old will the guardian be when your child is 10, 15, and 18?
  3. What resources will you leave to take care of your child?
  4. What independent resources does the guardian have?
  5. Will your child like living with the guardian?
  6. Do you have an alternate guardian available?
  7. Do you have enough life insurance to pay for the child, and for college for the child, if you die?
  8. If you are divorced, the other parent will be the natural guardian by law.
  9. What are your life goals for your child?

Now that you have a list, sit down in a quiet spot with a pad of paper and answer the above questions about the selection of the guardian. We are here for you. We will translate your wishes into legalese so your wishes are respected. Call us for California Living Trusts. Call the Sirkin law Los Angeles lawyers about guardianship for you children at 818.340.4479 or email us for a video conference about guardianship for your minor child.

Read our related articles about Guardianship of the Estate for a Minor in California and what to do when a child inherits assets.

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