To be sure that your beneficiary designations are coordinated with your estate plan, call attorney Mina Sirkin and let our skilled lawyers assist you in your estate plan and beneficiary designations. Call 818.340.4479 for attorneys who help with beneficiary designations.
Activities of Daily Living are the first test of whether an elderly person is thriving or failing. Ask us to help connect you to the right elder care resources. 818-340-4479
There are some important court tips repeated by probate judges to consider when you are in the Los Angeles Probate Court. Whether you are from Los Angeles or if you are from out-of-state, there are some nuances that you should know about…
On occasion, our probate attorney may receive a call from a client asking if a trustee can be changed or removed in Los Angeles. Here are some of the factors that we evaluate before we change or remove a trustee. California Probate…
Do you need an attorney who can evaluate the performance of a Los Angeles Executor? Call Mina Sirkin at 818-340-4479